Lonely Worship
OK, so here is how it generally goes.
I meet another person, and the other person finds out that I am a Torah Keeper or Yahwey-Fearer (or Bible-thumping religious person). There is one of two reactions that come next.
The first I generally see is an atmosphere and expectation of initial excitement. This excitement is usually over what the other person thinks they know that I may know also and upon which they can identify with me, or in which they can show me about what they learned and want to know where they stack up in their own understanding of the scriptures based on what they can share with me. It is also possible that they see items on this website and it scares them off because it is just way too involved or way too deep, so much so that they would never hope to attain what level of whatever study they think someone would want them to do just to talk to them again about Elohim or His ways. Of course, this does not take into account the years it has been to compile and amass this much content in the first place, or that they would have any sense or guts to take anything here and use it as a springboard of discussion or their own personal growth - Heaven forbid they might learn something or be able to teach someone else about something they now can understand themselves (or even better, teach ME something)!
The other reaction is generally one of subdued acceptance of acquaintanceship or one of quietness and possibly uncomfortableness at the situation of just having met a "religious nut job" and they cannot wait to leave the area (and may or may not care whether that attitude shows).
The first person, in his excitement, wants to share phone numbers and email addresses and websites; they just cannot wait to tell me how much they want to contact me again and discuss some more things with me.
The second person would not give me the time of day unless asked as a conventional return of social courtesy.
The first person often times goes to another church somewhere. The may even be part of the leadership or praise team.
The second person does not do the "religious thing" and many times has been disappointed in those people calling themselves "people of The Most High."
The first person can quote scripture but generally is unable to apply it well and within Renewed Covenant terms, but even more rarely will sh'ma (or hear and DO/PERFORM) any of the will of Elohim [the Fourth Commandment comes to mind here, among many others]; and even much less, be able to quote just what that "Will" is from Biblical Torah times of old.
The second person often has a vendetta against the church or someone that did (or may have done) them wrong in some manner and would not ever think about going back into the so-called House of G-d ever again.
Here is the sad thing: HaShem is all about relationships. The first person cannot seem to keep their word about getting back together or contacting me, so already the relationship is tainted. The second person does not want to take the time to form any relationship because they do not understand G-d's way fully enough to have forgiveness, much less any real G-dly conversation. The first person does not realize or want to realize that it most likely took years of following HaShem and taking the hard knocks of societies glare for me to reach any level of perceived religious status that I may have and it has not been fun. Or they may realize some of what it takes and the hard time they may have to go through themselves and do not want to walk that way because the spine is weak. The second person really does not care what happens in the end because "they are OK for now, so everything is good" and have little regard for the day of judgment when all shall be held accountable for every idle word (inclusive also of deeds).
To both of these people I have to say - WAKE UP! There is a day coming which is appointed to every man once to die and then the judgment. How do I know this is true? Let me just put it this way. Do not ever really try to prove the Bible correct - it is all Truth and is correct with perfection. Try to prove the Bible wrong, because you will not be able to do it as long as the correct context is maintained - and that is when the real growing starts.
Then again, if you really do not want to grow then I guess it does not really matter, right?