
Sukkot Of Nations

First Created: 20111030
Last Modified: 20111030

The Realization
I was watching MK Danny Danón (who is a Member of the Israeli Knesset or Parlaiment) on Israel News Now via Day Star TV and was reminded that we indeed may be living in the last days spoken of by Zechariah 14 when it was foretold that all the nations would be keeping the Feast of Tabernacles (or Sukkot) in the later days. In these days, the eyes of the Jewish people would also be opened to the truth of the Messiah. The Jewish people in fact are the life-blood of any country they inhabit, full of inventions and service. In the last days, they are to be gathered to their own land - an ancient cross-roads to all the countries around them - and all the nations will see the land of Isreal begin to bloom and flourish again after being desolate for so long.

The Question
Think about it, a new flourishing land that is sustained, and all the life-blood of the world gathered to an ancient homeland. Why indeed would the whole world not follow after it?

The Language
Christianity is rooted in the Hebrew people. Latin is a dead language. Phoenician is a dead language. But, the Hebrew language after so long being almost wiped out itself has been being revived as a living language in a way in which no other language has been able to do.

The People
The Hebrew people have been scattered among the nations which would be a death of extinction to any other people, and now they are being gathered back to their own homeland. This in and of itself is a miracle of miracles.

The Awakening
Zechariah 8:23 seems to be being fulfilled right before our eyes. The churches of old are not long for this world to stay in the understanding that they thought they had before. People are waking up and stating that they do not know what the Law really is and are starting to read the Word for themselves instead of having it fed to them. Mishna Torah and Talmudic explanations are finding their way back into focus, not as a way of salvation, but as a way of understanding on the ways of G-d to work through His people and do miracles that cannot be explained away by natural or even scientific means.

Not My Way, but His
As I sit here wondering why I should be going to a church on Sunday in addition to Shul on the Sabbath, I am reminded that the whole plan is really out of my hands and is being worked out for good to those that Love Him and are obedient to His Word and His Call. This morning as I sit here thinking about The Sukkot of the Nations, I am reminded that I am not the focus and that I have made my move to think about and love things of Jewish sources enough to do something about it. The feasts, the language, the Law of G-d, and those things that have been so incompletely taught in the church for so long or not practiced at all or in some attrocious manner (Communion with Leavened Bread comes to mind), these are exactly the same things that are bringing miracles to come to pass and are the method with which HaShem has spoken to His people and called them to live and do. These things I refuse to deny any more, and unless I get an invitation from pastors to come and teach these things, I feel no call to come to them except as the L-rd bids me to go.

See, the thing is, that every time I interview a Messianic Believer about the reasons for leaving the Christianized Church and finding a Messianic Congregation are for the most part the same:

  1. No one can find in the Bible where G-d Himself ever changed the Weekly Sabbath Day and want the blessings for taking the fourth commandment seriously;
  2. If the feasts are the timeline of G-d, then they want to follow G-d's way and not the Catholicized way;
  3. Everyone says all these things about the Law, but no one has EVER (that I know about) taken the 1.5 hour time to actually read G-d's Law and find out that so much of the Brit Chadeshah (New Covenant) is a literal and direct reteaching or revelation of that same Law.

There are other varied reasons, but then there is another one that no one ever talks about but always seems to come to light. The Believer in Messiah does not know how to "categorize" themselves to the rest of the world except as a Believer in Messiah because they know that Denominations are of the world and just divide people. Without the division of denomination, walls are torn down and everyone is now a congregation of Believers - simply and completely.

In Closing
These are ramblings of the morning of 20111030 11:05 as I sit here wondering why I did not feel called to join a Christian congregation for their Sunday morning worship. I know there is a point of making relationships, but it is hard to make all these relationships without the firm foundation of understanding for those who do not want to dig the Word for themselves and understand. Like me, I know that when they do understand then church will not ever be normal for them again and they will either leave or become frustrated with a group with whom they can either no longer identify or who will ridicule them for being legalistic or hard nosed. Part of the problem will be that when they start finding out these Truths and taking them seriously, they will begin to follow them as well - which means they will start keeping the Feasts of the L-rd, knowing what is Torah Law in its entirety, and start keeping Sabbath up to and including where they worship.

Anyway, for whatever worth or uselessness one wants to read into this, I leave it up to the reader. As well, all I know is that the headache I had is being alleviated since the Sunday appointment has been missed because the two hour once a week thing with only grade level teaching is getting old. I am not saying that we all need to become a Pharisee [2. (idiomatic) A person who values the letter of the law over the spirit or intention of the law.] or Pharisaical [2. Of a person or practice that emphasizes the observance of ritual or practice over the meaning.], but I am requesting that you know WHAT you believe, WHY you believe, and then follow your belief. When you talk about something, know about that which you are talking. For many of you this will mean changing the church you are in or leaving it because you may find much that does not line up with what you read, just as I have. We are urged in the Bible to take up our own cross of the responsibilities of this life and follow Him who kept the Law perfectly. So what are you really being called to do? We are not saved by the Law and rather by the grace of the payment of penalty for not keeping that Law by G-d Himself come in Spirit to abide among us, but others will know those whom belong to and love the L-rd because they keep His Commandments (He was the Word - Old Testament - now in flesh, remember) and also by those who love Him the Law is established. You cannot establish something which you do not know and do not follow. By this same Law of which the ways of Sukkot are listed, prophesy is being or will be fulfilled and the world is in wonder about it. This means that the Law is alive and well today and is still in operation as G-d's Will. I urge you to take up your Bible and do only one thing - never try to prove it right because G-d is righteousness and it is an empty battle, but just try and prove it wrong because only by that will you grow.