
Parashat Matot Masei

Lamed Messianic Studies

(Original Entry from HOD-Wordpress - 2007-07-14 10:54:38 pm)

Category - Lamed Messianic Studies, Jewish

Parashat Matot-Masei

Torah Portion: Numbers 30:2 - 36:13
Haftarah Portion [Ashkinazim]: Jeremiah 2:4-28; 3:4
Haftarah Portion [Sephardim]: Jeremiah 2:4-28; 4:1 - 4:2

Numbers 2 is retaught in James 5:12 in the instructions on how to live a life pleasing to HaShem. The rest of Numbers 30 is very interesting, as it describes the relationship of covering between spouses. Admittedly, the time being described here is when arranged marriages were still in effect. The wife being described has a husband suited to her and still lives in her father’s house. But, the implications of a protector father or husband remain the same throughout the Scriptures.

This week some thoughts have been dealt with concerning jobs and how the decisions of others can affect live and livelihood. Here in Numbers 32 we see a group of people who have been filled by the spoils of war as we read in Numbers 31, and they want to do their own thing apart from the promises of HaShem. They have forgotten how the L-RD sees His people as one (yea, as one bride).

There is need to remind them what happened before when the covering of HaShem was left from them. It is pertinent to note here that this covering stems out of, and is a direct result of, authority and blessing through obedience and not as a result of power or strength as is in might.

Numbers 36 is of particular interest as it reminds one of possible roots of the beliefs that people should marry their own kind. I speak here concerning inter-racial marriages. [Please do not get mad yet, because the spiritual lesson is coming up next and has nothing to do with the flesh.] I do not intend discussion of merely Caucasian and colored, but rather any marriage of mixed heritages. This includes spiritual heritages (like the new citizenship that comes when one is saved). The Biblical definition of marriage couples goes far beyond heritages , even as deep as between the tribes of Israel.

In this definition of who should marry, do not loose the cause and purpose. It can be found in Numbers 36:7-12. The issue was never about mixing bloodlines. A mixing of bloodlines was simply a cause. The issue was one of inheritance. By not mixing bloodlines, every family and also every tribe was guaranteed an inheritance.

I take you now to II Corinthians 6:14 and the admonition to not mix spiritual bloodlines. Also, much of Ephesians, particularly Ephesians 4-6, are not only a re-teaching of Torah Laws and concepts, but moreover a teaching on how to walk spiritually pure so as to not “mix” the lines of spiritual righteousness with unrighteousness. Can you see the common thread of how to keep a Kingdom inheritance in the family of HaShem?

Even in the Haftarah, there is a cry out to the people to keep the spiritual bloodlines pure by repentance. We see once again G-D calling out to His people to return to Him. The inheritance of the L-RD is reserved for a specific spiritual bloodline which is a line of righteousness. This line is shared only by those who return and repent so they can gain that Kingdom access once again.