Contributions Toggle Talk
Denning Services, , 20160202-12:35GMT-06
I attempted to encapsulate and utilize the toggle directive within and as a Section Header label.
It does use the CSS web-font kit class but cannot seem to change color either CSS or in-line.
'''This example works, but is in Grey and not the defined #660000 or #4e0e19:
!![-(:toggle id=FontLinks01 init=hide button=0 hide="Hide Web-Fonts" show="Installed Web-Font Kits" :) -] >>id=FontLinks01 border='1px solid #999' padding=2px bgcolor=<<
I have tried editing the Local CSS, Skin CSS, inspected the Web-Font Kit CSS, and Toggle PHP definitions. Something eluded me.
These examples do not work: (Please note that line breaks are for display purposes only. ).
FIRST, A LITTLE WIKI MARK-UP: !!%color=#660000%[-(:toggle id=FontLinks01 init=hide button=0 hide="Hide Web-Fonts" show="Installed Web-Font Kits" :) -]%% !![-%color=#660000%(:toggle id=FontLinks01 init=hide button=0 hide="Hide Web-Fonts" show="Installed Web-Font Kits" :)%% -] !![-(:toggle id=FontLinks01 init=hide button=0 hide=%color=#660000%"Hide Web-Fonts"%% show=%color=#660000%"Installed Web-Font Kits"%% :) -] !![-(:toggle id=FontLinks01 init=hide button=0 hide="%color=#660000%Hide Web-Fonts%%" show="%color=#660000%Installed Web-Font Kits%%" :) -] NEXT, A LITTLE IN-LINE HTML DIRECTIVE MARK-UP: !![-(:toggle id=FontLinks01 init=hide button=0 hide="(:html:) <span class=shalomnormal1> Hide Web-Fonts </span> (:htmlend:)" show="(:html:) <span class=shalomnormal1> Installed Web-Font Kits </span> (:htmlend:)" :) -] !![-(:toggle id=FontLinks01 init=hide button=0 hide="(:html:) <span color=#660000> Hide Web-Fonts </span> (:htmlend:)" show="(:html:) <span color=#660000>Installed Web-Font Kits </span> (:htmlend:)" :) -] At least this one shows the color !![- (:html:) <span color=#660000 > (:toggle id=FontLinks01 init=hide button=0 hide="Hide Installed Web-Font Kits" show="Installed Web-Font Kits" :) </span> (:htmlend:) -] ALAS, TO NO AVAIL.
!![-(:toggle id=FontLinks01 init=hide button=0 hide="(:html:) <span class=shalomnormal1 color=#660000 > Hide Web-Fonts </span> (:htmlend:)" show="(:html:) <span class=shalomnormal1 color=#660000 > Installed Web-Font Kits </span> (:htmlend:)" :) -]
The secret? Use a span with class AND color (no quotes) with Cookbook:EnableHTML.
Now, using the Toggle directive in conjunction with in-line HTML,
I can override the H2 header class and stylize my font even as a section header label!